Thursday, October 1, 2009

Photos from the Family Holiday

Hey all, I forgot to add some pictures from the trip that my family and I took in August, so here's a little selection...
The family on the streets of Rome - David had a broken arm and had chosen a bright pink cast - it is conspicuous throughout the photos

The family in the Pantheon, looking very American - guidebook out, McDonald's drinks in hand.

Megan very much enjoying the Vatican Museum

The family in front of - can you guess? - the Colosseum

Some flowers and some ruins - me trying to be arty with photography

The ruins of Pompeii and Mt. Vesuvius in the background

The kids at a Pompeiian fast food restaurant (no joke) right outside the baths

David and Megan exploring Pompeii - the roots show how deep it was buried for so long

In an ancient Pompeiian bakery - they're on one of the grindstones


Boats in the cove at Riomaggiore

Bored in the Heathrow baggage claim after the airline lost Dad's bag...for the second time

The family in Bath, as photographed by Meg. The boys are very excited at this point.

The Roman baths in Bath


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