Monday, December 15, 2008

Coldplay - in London!!

Yesterday I went to see Coldplay on their opening night in London. It was so surreal - it was something American fans only dream about! Ok, that sounds a bit ridiculous, but it's true. Coldplay is one of my favorite bands and has been for several years. My grandma got me tickets to see them for my birthday (thank you thank you thank you Grandma!!), b/c they had sold out long ago and I knew that they would be too expensive so had put them on the birthday wish list. Well, the amazing seats were a testament to how much my grandma spoils me. :) We were in the second section behind the stage on the floor, and the first row of this section right in the middle. We were on the corner of the section b/c there was a middle aisle to our left and one right in front of us - loads of dance floor! It was a good thing too, b/c I went completely mental and was dancing and singing my lungs out the entire time. I feel a bit sorry for the guys next to us b/c they must have thought I was literally an insane person. They were the epitome of the English Reserve - just politely bobbing their heads for the entire show. Lame-o. I brought my flatmate Dasha, and she definitely got to see a new side of me. Anyway, it was so great - I don't need alcohol or anything else to make me feel intoxicated at a Coldplay concert. But, I mean of course I did have alcohol. We got some great photos but they're on Dasha's camera - I'll get them and post a bunch tomorrow or Wednesday. At one point the band went to the back of the venue and about halfway up the lower section to this little platform. They said that since they were back in London (they're from here btw) they had to get to the back of the house! So they sang a couple songs there, and for one of them Simon Pegg (the actor from Shaun of the Dead and How to Lose Friends and Alienate People) played the harmonica with them. So random but so cool! It was very hard to come back to reality when the show was over. Dasha had a really good time as well, and although she wasn't as big a fan as me, I think she likes them more now. Ah, it was INCREDIBLE.

The rest of last week and the weekend was fairly uneventful - went to this pub called the Elusive Camel (are you picturing a camel being elusive right now? Weird, I know) on Friday with The Boy that I'm seeing and met some of his friends for the first time. Bit of a big step for me, but his friends are really lovely. Well, mostly - one of them just finished living in the States for a period of time and would not stop ripping on me for being American. It was like The Boy does only times ten. Ridiculous. Harmless but still. Anyway, I think the cat might be out of the bag with The Boy and I - some of his (ours I guess, I just don't know them yet) colleagues keep questioning him about it, so there are obviously rumors flying. Our Christmas party is tomorrow (ok, how lame is it that it's on a Tuesday? Double lame - we can't bring anyone with us), so we'll see if things hit the fan. I just can't figure out how they know!

On Saturday I watched a Bollywood movie. This is something that is apparently common knowledge here, although I'd never heard of it in the States. It is basically a Hollywood movie that has been ripped off by an Indian film company, and they add loads of SUPER cheesy music and dancing. I'm not making this up I swear. And the actors are Indian and they speak an odd mixture of Hindi and English. The one that I watched was Three Men and a Baby, Indian-style. Honestly, with the singing and dancing it was almost too much for me to take.

Oh, also got my hair done on Sunday. It's very dark know, looks a little goth/punk rocker. I love it! The plan is to keep it dark for the remainder of the winter and then go back to blonde.

I'm coming home for Christmas on Friday, and then to KC on the 30th - I can't wait!! I'm sure you will all love making fun of the new words that I constantly use, like "lovely" and "lift" rather than "elevator". I went to a tea shop today and got my favorite tea to bring home as well, so you will all have to try some if you're around. If you are give me a ring, I still have my US phone so you'll be able to reach me starting Friday night (very late) at the same old number.

Hope everyone is well, I can't wait to see you!!


1 comment:

Darren Harris-Fain said...

Hi, Heather! Coming to this late--just learned about your blog from your mom. I'm enjoying it a lot. I did want to point out, however, that Hollywood stole Three Men and a Baby from the French, and a lot of Bollywood films (they make more than Hollywood, if you can believe it) are original. Does London have a large Indian population these movies are catering to?